Thursday, March 15, 2012

It's Bath Time!

A mother will always wants what's best for her baby. I'm no exception to it.  When I was pregnant, I am already thinking of what baby products I should use for my newborn baby.  Ofcourse, they should be safe and gentle to use especially if it concerns my baby girl's skin and hygiene.

One of the products that I am curious about is Zwitsal, which is distributed by the Sara Lee Direct Selling.    I did some research and found positive feedbacks and reviews. Now, my baby has been using it since newborn.  It works good on her.  She has no allergic reaction plus she smells fresh all day. 

Actually, this is not a paid advertisement.  I just want to recommend this product line to mothers who might be interested.  But ofcourse, you should always take into consideration that each baby is different from the other.  There are babies who have sensitive skin or allergic reactions.  You have to ask first your pediatrician before trying any product that will concern your child.

By the way, Zwitzal products include baby bath, baby shampoo, baby cologne, and baby lotion.   

Happy bath time! ^v^